>> Link to buy: Unicorn Fart hoodie, shirt, v-neck
See more here: https://ethershirt.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/02/22/214740
You see other parents walking in the hallways, talking to doctors and in the family rooms grabbing a coffee, we all have the familiar name tags, comfortable clothes, and tired eyes. You smile and nod the knowing nod and say hello but usually, you are all separated in your rooms on different floors and don't have a whole lot of interaction, even if you wanted to, it's not easy to find the time or energy or space to interact. That's why when the hospital offered an adult family dinner, including wine, umm hello, I'm in. Unicorn Fart.
See more here: https://ethershirt.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/02/22/214740
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