Buy funny shirt: Clorox The law system is like bleach work perfect on whites but destroys colors tank top, long sleeve
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Designed and supplied by Shop Ethershirt in the USA
I find it interesting that right now, worldwide, the nations are being shocked by the sexual abuse that’s come to light in Pennsylvania. We read that Bishops and other leaders of the Roman Catholic Church covered up child sexual abuse by more than 300 priests over a period of 70 years, persuading victims not to report the abuse and law enforcement not to investigate it. Does this not ring true to the child protection system that is denying children their basic human rights to live with parents whom they love? Is the ‘cover-up’ in the child protection system not similar to the law enforcement agencies who turned a blind eye to the atrocities taking place in the church? What will cause the world to be shocked enough to call for an end to the corruption and barbarity oozing from the pores of those who sit in positions of power daily ruining the lives of those whom they serve? Clorox The law system is like bleach work perfect on whites but destroys colors.
Designed and supplied by Shop Ethershirt in the USA
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