Christmas sweater design: Smiling give you wrinkles resting bitch face keeps you pretty young hoodie, t- shirt,

Merry Christmas and God bless you and yours! My family in desperate need of prayer, please remember us this season. No matter who you are, where you are from, just try on “Smiling give you wrinkles resting bitch face keeps you pretty” shirts and show your personality on Christmas.

>> Link to buy: Smiling give you wrinkles resting hoodie, sweatshirt
You MUST smile when men tell you to because they need you to smile to be attractive!!! HOWEVER, smiling will give you wrinkles. Wrinkles are physical evidence that you have listened to them when they tell you to smile and that will make you unattractive? Good luck out there! They say smiling gives you wrinkles, but you are proof that it keeps you young. Love you! All praises to the highest for blessing my mother to see another year.

Design and supply by Shop Ethershirt in the USA

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